Sunday, March 29, 2015

the item through a simply chat bubble

If I were a dev, I'd do this just to save the GMs a huge headache. Can you imagine how many requests to restore lost Toy items will come flooding in after WoD begins, even with a lot of players deleting these items over 30 days prior?

For quest items, you should be able to revisit the quest reward giver to obtain another copy of free wow gold the item through a simply chat bubble.
For achievements, you would visit the NPC that sent you the in-game mail with the item.
For archeology, completing a rare would unlock the repurchasing of that item from an archeology vendor for a certain amount of keystone and/or fragments.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

lasts 3 minutes on an hour long CD

Any chance Dartol's and similar items will be made more reasonable on their CDs? I had the original Dartol's on my rogue but lost it when I transferred to Horde, and the one from Exalted lasts 3 minutes on an hour long CD, which is pretty dumb.

Also plausibly since the toy box will be able to be cross faction, bringing back this buying wow gold safe as a decent item, ie. able to be used for a random costume, before you made it disappear when the hat is taken off to balance for Horde/Alliance.

And also, any chance of fixing things for Shaman costumes? Ghost Wolf removing every costume except Polyformic Acid from Scholo (Presumably because it's a required buff) is pretty annoying, it more or less means I can't use any costumes during raids because any time I swap Ghost Wolf, which can be fairly often since it's a mini sprint, I'll lose my costume.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

You didn't ask for clarification

You didn't ask for clarification. You chose to be snarky with condescending remark. And then you tried to provide this perfect argument to match and refute your best assumption, over a quoted response.
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You're not that important, yet you're acting as though quoting you was.

If it was nonsense to you and you cared wouldn't you put some care in to your response? The reason I didn't was because it isn't that important to me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

could be a drop from Yogg-Saron

For these two items, to turn them into Toys, they would have to no longer attack anything. At that point, they might as well make similar model Battle Pets. The [Azure Tentacle] could be a drop from Yogg-Saron, sharing a model with Vanquished Clutches of Yogg-Saron (perhaps cheap Wow Gold eu a future Raiding With Leashes pet). The [Qiraji Tentacle] would share the model of Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun and could either be a new C’thun drop or have a different source. The original epic trinkets would be left as is.

Unfortunately that would mean no more tentacle parties.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Why not just give everyone the same gear

Why not just give everyone the same gear ...

I don't understand why we need 2 types of gear.
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So what if a PVE hero gets gear that can blow up a player? So what if a PVP gladiator gets gear that can down a raid boss?

Let rated fights vs top ranked PVPers drop loot or whatever, I'm sure you can dream up a system of some sort.

edit: LOL. I just a very twisted idea. Killing someone in PVP should cause them to drop one piece of their gear (random). PVP will become "srs bns" with vendettas running to the end of time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

had forgotten all about this little guy

Thanks Crithto!!! I had forgotten all about this little guy. Got tired of trying to catch him forever ago and gave up. I just went tonight, third pool I get "Mr Pinchy"!!! Wow Gold eu First wish Whammo My own Magical Crawdad...

Sometimes the RNG gods are smiling on you today was my day

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I agree my ribs V in to my waist

I agree my ribs V in to my waist, thats kinda the normal unless you have so much flesh it covers the V. I will be honest here I look at her and see my body type, nothing at all abnormal about wow gold

She is not skinny, put her up against a belf if you think thats skinny

Sunday, March 1, 2015

its rotation no later than level 40

Possibly a bit early, and arguably off topic, but IMO every spec of every class should have all abilities/spells that are core to its rotation no later than level 40.
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Beyond 40, start adding various offensive and defensive cooldowns.

Any spell or ability that is considered core to a specs rotation, single target or aoe needs to be in that spellbook at a reasonable level. It is a huge oversight to leave things such as Soulswap out of an Affliction Warlocks book until 79, or to leave Rogues without any AoE AT ALL until level 66!