Monday, December 29, 2014

pensive and took forever to get

I disagree, BC was fine for the most part because to fly faster than a snail was expensive and took forever to get.

Remember sell Wow Gold how slow basic flying was? Only time I ever used it was to get to places that required flying, other than that I was on a mount.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

The issue with both PVE AND PVP healing is that

The issue with both PVE AND PVP healing is that:

If it doesn't kill you almost instantaneously, it doesn't kill you.
buy Wow Gold eu
-Thok is a perfect example in PVE. The raid damage is so incredibly high, and its not even a matter of standing in fire or people "Being bad"
-It's that unless the damage is enough to kill you in between two screeches, the entire raid is healed to full.

-In PVP unless you CC the healer, and kill your target before the CC wears off, the healer tops the dude off.

Half the time its with an INSTANT heal too. Which only makes it that much worse.

Thats what blizzard is trying to fix.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

that have no bearing on my objective

There are a few MMO's that have an instant travel option. I'm not asking for instant travel but to keep a mode of travel that has no bearing on anyone else.

Don't play on a pvp server and could care less about killing mobs that have no bearing on my objective. If you want to use ground mounts that is your choice. Yet i doubt wow gold farming many people asking for no flight use theirs outside of areas they have to.

You have a choice at the moment but what you are asking is for is others choice to be taken from them.

Sunday, December 21, 2014

One bloomin' blossom

"We realize you posted a photo of the core hound mounts already, but how about a circle of core hounds?" asks submitted Gimmlette. "Spectacular Death on Llane (US-A) took a bunch of guildies into Molten Core and got them mounts. They all went to my garrison afterward to pick them up and decided the fountain needed a steam bath. (Thanks for nothing, best wow gold Blizzard, for moving the outhouses outside the walls. Grumble.) There's been a lot of complaining about how you can't fly in Draenor but, personally, I don't mind it, except when I want to stand on top of my fountain to get a circle of guild members on core hounds."

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

data into the restricted environment

All the listed European WoW Gold cvars effect protected frames in a measurable way, there are no restrictions on when addons can change cvars (thus altering the state of protected frames).

By using the state of protected frames as a medium, addons can import arbitrary data into the restricted environment, this data can then be used to make decisions like which spell (not) to cast.

Monday, December 15, 2014

I have a specific question

I have a specific question. I have a few of the TCG and non-TCG hearthstones such as the Innkeepers Daughter, the Ethereal Portal and the Dark Portal. If these were to become Toy box items would they just be turned into spells that Wow Gold eu I can drag onto new characters from the UI?

Also how would something like shirts work? I have the Epic Purple Shirt as well and it's one of my favorite items, I'd be super happy to share it with all my alts.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

it doesn't help newcomers into the game

It's funny how 95% of people have such a HARD time with this whole "buy a 90" thing and it doesn't help newcomers into the game so they're not thinking Blizzard is being much help to these people, but yet when someone in trade chat has a question about something....most comments come from everybody is "wowhead, look it up, come on noob,World of Warcraft Gold everything is online, tired of these questions, omg, lol". I think a majority of people that boosted to 90 anyway are all of us that play all the time. I just made a hunter yesterday. Not a big deal.... did I suck, oh yeah. But I stayed on the timeless isle. If some noob goes in the LFR's and I'm in there, I don't mind, who cares, it's a game. Most mature players will agree and those that comment and reply to me saying dumb comments, are the immature ones. I don't know about any of you, but I can't tell who bought a 90 and who didn't. everybody is different and plays differently. If you do play with somebody like that, it's mainly in LFR's anyway, because most likely your raiding with you guild who you know. so lighten up. Blizz employees read all this crap and probably sitting back laughing their ****** off wondering why some of you people put your effort into whining so much. If you don't like it, don't play. But yet you will..... and for those that are new... welcome, just make sure you read everything, read your skills, practice and practice some more. Not a big deal. ENJOY LIFE. to short to complain

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Removing really the only fun

    Garbage change. Removing really the only fun thing left to do in an extremely long dead period between expansions that you assured us wouldn't happen again. Not keeping me off the isle, just going to use more scumbag tactics. Only will be traveling in a group,gold wow and won't be targeting geared players, so guess I'll just kill low iLvL alts and the like.

Seeing as how this change made it even easier for you to get coins and the title, why are you having to use "more scumbag tactics"?

Sunday, December 7, 2014

end up dead all the time

don't like how we can't fly and don't like being gang up on by bunch of monsters.
end up dead all the time, even when playing my druid kitty (found the druid kitty to be easiest to fight with on the new island) still end up dead when gang up on.
have tried few dungeons( with different types of toons) well i should i at least tired a few never made it completely through one. new Blackrock we never made it passed the first boss spend 3 hours trying. tanks blamed healer for us not getting passed it. Tried it cheap wow gold again with different groups never made it pass the first boss. tried the grimrail we made it the boss on moving train but that was it. tried flowery one not sure of it's name. we made it up to the boss where quest pet is at (but the pet's nest doesn't work) didn't make it pass that boss up there. all of these were on normal. everyone is blaming the healer in all of this. It;s not the healer fault that blizzard lowered their healing and made monsters gang up on everyone.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

since the Tuesday maintenance

This character hasn't updated since the Tuesday maintenance. It says it's 60 here on the post, but the Armory thinks it's still 55 and hasn't updated any gear changes and the activity feed is dead. The last activity listed happened Monday. Sometime between Tuesday and Thursday one of my Area 52 characters got a prize off the Celestials, and that updated its Armory feed though I did not equip it.
cheap wow gold
My Area 52 characters are now completely missing from the forum drop down menu, even ones that I posted in this thread with. I checked to see if they had ended up at the bottom as level 90 hunters again, but they're just gone. My guilds on Area 52 are still missing from the Armory as well.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Everything you see in the 6.0.2 PTR

Short answer is yes. Everything you see in the 6.0.2 PTR patch notes will be going into the pre-expansion patch before Warlords of Draenor. Keep in mind that some of the changes are still buy wow gold in-development (like Valor and Justice Point conversion rates TBD) so there will be more things added.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

This was unintentional Wow Gold

Due to an error, some end-of-season rewards started to go out after today's maintenance. This was unintentional, Wow Gold as we haven't finished scrubbing the ladders for players that need to be disqualified. We stopped the process as soon as we realized what was happening, but some players did end up getting some end-of-season rewards, as you've noticed.

We're going to remove those rewards, and with next week's restarts we'll be able to properly hand them out. If you're one of the players who's already received one, one of three things will happen:

    You'll get the same reward again next week,
    You'll get a better reward next week, due to players above you on the ladder being disqualified,
    You'll get no reward, because you're a filthy cheater who shouldn't have gotten one in the first place.

Hope that helps clear things up :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

We’ve begun the process of temporarily

We’ve begun the process of temporarily increasing population caps on European realms. As with the North American and Oceanic realms, we’re rolling out the increase a few realms at a time so we can monitor the results. We also have some additional performance increase hotfixes in production, which we are planning to try out shortly on the North euwowgold American realm Lightbringer. We will have another update in approximately an hour.

4:00 p.m. PST

All North American and Oceanic realms have now had their population caps increased. We are continuing to monitor realm stability, and plan to begin testing the increase on European realms soon. In addition, we’re making progress towards correcting an issue that would occasionally cause players to get stuck on flight paths when flying to their Garrison. Our next update will occur in roughly one hour.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Don't post in all capital letters

Don't post in all capital letters, use a misleading title, excessive punctuation, and/or non-standard symbols, etc.

While everyone wants their posts read, we ask you to refrain from using these types of tactics in order to bring more people to your thread. Let your post stand on its own merit. Threads violating this guideline are subject to deletion.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

And they do actually continue

Wow. I'm glad you lost it. And they do actually continue to punish people for ninja looting. If you open a ticket after having an item ninja looted, the GM will remove it from the player and usually give it to whomever should have gotten it.(If there was a clear winner that is)

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Making of Cataclysm

Your Fortune Awaits: 50% Unlock

The curious continue to flock to the Darkmoon Faire, hoping to catch a glimpse of their fate from the wise and (some say) frighteningly insightful Sayge. The combined efforts of the Horde and Alliance have brought them to the halfway point of the "Your Fortune Awaits" campaign, unlocking a truly rare treasure. Sit back, relax, and enjoy, "The Making of Cataclysm."

We look forward to sharing even more treasures with you!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

don't care any day of the week

The flip side of this is developers that DON'T play their own game, and trust me, it's a lot worse. I'll take a dev team that has to curb in-fighting because they love the game they make over devs that don't care any day of the week.

I remember the devs from Star Wars Galaxies, and how much that game sucked because the devs didn't so much as play their own game or, in some cases, entertain personal star wars fandom wow gold guide (Holo, the original lead dev, isn't a star wars fan by his own admittance).

I will never play a game developed like that again.

Monday, November 10, 2014

I'm seeing a lot of repeat questions in this thread

Alright, you crazy diamonds. I'm seeing a lot of repeat questions in this thread that have already been answered. If you're interested in this topic -- which I know many of you are, and that's actually really cool -- then I'd sincerely encourage you to read through all of my posts from the beginning. Quite of bit of information has been Wow Gold shared that should address your concerns. Don't worry about having to scroll, though; you can easily hop from response to response by clicking on the little "BLIZZ" button in the right-hand corner of each blue post.


Thursday, November 6, 2014

No idea what realms are open because

No idea what realms are open because I didn't look..BUT...I would LOVE to see all of these people who say Alliance are grossly outnumbered by Horde...send your Horde our way!
buy wow gold
I am always stunned at how many posts are about how the Horde outnumber Alliance etc. We have NEVER outnumbered Alliance on our server and it only got worse with faction transfers. ...On the other hand our Horde side is pretty close knit and have a lot of very good players...just not enough of us!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Cata dungeons on regular mode

Wait, am I reading this right? I can't que for Tides or BRC because I'm level 84?

I'm hoping that's incorrect. World of Warcraft Gold The LFG finder wouldn't let me que for a random dungeon until now because it took me that long to upgrade my gear enough.

Please tell me I can do all the Cata dungeons on regular mode.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

would start to dull down the game

I don't really follow the logic that you feel it's unnecessary that you can't just gather as many mobs on you as possible in an area with no threat of being knocked off your mount,gold wow or slowed down while running. Should it really be considered an inconvenience that a bunch of mobs striking you can do nothing to slow you down? It seems like you could then apply the term "inconvenience" to a lot of aspects of gameplay, but at the end of the day removing those inconveniences would start to dull down the game.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

it will clear up a little confusion

Hey all, I'm hopping in to see if this will help you all a bit in understanding how this is meant to work. Hopefully it will clear up a little confusion.

The Vengeance calculation is working correctly as far as we can ascertain. Vengeance caps at a World of Warcraft Gold number equal to Stamina plus 10% of base health, which is lower than 10% of health. When we buffed Stamina late in Cataclysm development, we specifically did not buff Vengeance because we didn’t think tanks needed 40% additional attack power in order to maintain threat or contribute to damage done by the group. The Vengeance tooltip is a little misleading, but in this case we think that’s fine because a more technically accurate tooltip would be quite long. Astute theorycrafters will understand the difference, while most tanks won’t actually be affected by the delta.

Monday, October 27, 2014

understand the purpose of this change

I still don't understand the purpose of this change. What buffs were being automatically removed in a way that was hurtful to the game? I can not think of one buff that an add-on automatically removes other than Misdirection/TotT for non-tanking classes gold wow which shouldn't be getting it anyway and this just prevents griefing. The only difference this change really makes is it makes it impossible for us to manually right-click off buffs from mods such as ElkBuffBars or Satrina's Buff Frames, forcing us to use the terrible default UI. It's just a terrible change that was not well thought out at all.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

explanation bookmarked for frequent reference

Agreed. The difficulty of cheap wow gold searching for anything more specific than a word or term is likely deterring people from using the search function. I have the explanation bookmarked for frequent reference.
It would be really nice if it were built into the GUI of the forums rather than making us look up what to type in. I imagine more people would use it if that were the case.

edit: Rankin beat me to the link :(

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

they're within the forum code of conduct

No one is being suspended or banned for just speaking their mind as long as they're within the forum code of conduct. That can include reposting threads that have been deleted, though.

What might be happening fairly regularly is that threads are being deleted because they're on topics Wow Gold that exist in many other threads, and/or have been discussed a great deal.

We realize that many people want to have a thread that is their very own and provides their own voice to commentate on why they think something is a bad change, or what have you, but we do have to keep the other few hundred thousand people reading the forums in mind and keep topics to at least some standard of variety. You can generally see in these threads a great deal of hostility as most forum goers are just simply fed up seeing these topics over and over, and while those fed up individuals can themselves cross the line and earn a vacation from the forums, we have to attempt to understand the cause of their frustration, and I don't believe it's wrong to remove those repeat threads to create a less hostile environment. And in fact it's considered spam to not add to existing threads, and thus a violation of the forum code of conduct.

In any case, repeat topics is what I have found to be the reason for 90% of thread deletions that people perceive to be 'deleted for no reason'.

Neth made a pretty lengthy and good post on some basic information about how we expect these forums to work. I recommend giving it a read if you have not already:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

off towards people who were wanting

I'm glad you guys are considering the difficulties bear leveling has. When that change was put in, it only affected me for one level, but it just felt like it would be a major turn off towards people who were wanting to try out Bear tanking from the beginning.

In regards to pvp, it's not the lack of shapeshifting that's killing us. It's that we went from being one of the most difficult to lock down classes to the easiest, hand's down. Generally,buy wow gold this is the form of nerf that you guys usually add some sort of spell/talent change to soften the nerf or to compensate for that area we are now lacking in. I'm glad you actually addressed it, and I realize you may not have answered any questions you DID at least acknowledge it and that I thank you for.

If it's possible to get any answer though, are you guys looking at any way to make up for the shape shift nerf, something along the lines of the oft suggested Stampeding Roar changes?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

that many players are already switching

Bashiok, one of the issues is that many players are already switching specs on an encounter by encounter basis. This is already the norm. If you don't want that to occur, it's too late to stop it. Having more than 2 specs just means that you aren't limited to just PvP and PvE, and you can keep up with the players who already have 2 PvE specs.

Tanks already have to cheap wow gold switch to a dps spec for one tank fights. Hunters already switch pets based on the needs of the groups, which is akin to respeccing. Healers already respec to dps when there are too many heals in the raid or when it makes sense to have fewer healers based on fight mechanics. Rogues already change their weapon poisons based on the encounter mechanics.

The fact is that encounter min/maxxing is already the norm. Making respeccing time-consuming doesn't change that. It just makes the process more annoying. Having the ability to tailor your character to suit the encounter, if anything, enhances the depth of the play, because we have to make meaningful decisions about each fight.

Monday, October 13, 2014

we're going for with phasing

This is the sort of philosophy we're going for with phasing, as we do feel it's an important tool for storytelling. We do recognize issues where we've "over-phased" zones in the past though,buy wow gold and we generally tried to take a more minimal approach to phasing in Cataclysm. While there is still a good deal of phasing involved in many of the zones, we tried to make each phase a little more intricate and less intrusive on group gameplay. We want to make sure that, in times when a group is required, phasing doesn't hold you back from grouping with friends.

I said a variant of "phase" in every sentence. You're welcome. :p

*cough* phase *cough*

Friday, October 10, 2014

it best with throne of the tides

I think they did it best with throne of the tides.

A decent amount of trash and 2 bosses (one gimme and the other a decent fight for all roles). Skip back to the entrance and then down the left path through a gauntlet of hell Wow Gold and down to a decent fight that actually makes DPS work for a change. A decent group can clear it in 20-30 mins (with most other instances pushing 30-45).

I've heard there is another boss in there somewhere...some dopey shaman who got some octopus thing on his head...too bad the hallway he's supposedly down is filled with the trash straight from hell itself.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

process than close the door though

Yea, we know. That's why we're answering questions on the fly. If we don't have an elegant solution for a concern a player is raising, we'll admit that. We'd rather let you into the discussion and hear our thought process than close the door though.

What's the great harm in that? You'd really prefer we just stop fielding your questions?

Sorry, Pawstruck. Not everything we say is golden.

Monday, October 6, 2014

information that you may find helpfu

I wanted to follow-up with a bit more input into this thread with some information that you may find helpful. Awhile back, UI developer Slouken had developed an addon called “MovePad” which would allow people to use the mouse to move around the world with. This is something we are planning to implement as an option in a future content patch. We would also like to encourage everyone to share any additional small script functions or changes that might help make better addons for disabled gamers so that we could look into the feasibility of adding these into the game as well.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

As a matter of fact

Not saying this is you, OP, but people seem to think that their $15 a month pays for an unchanging game. As a matter of fact, your subscription doesn't speak to anything about the content of the game.

Please don't make the fallacious gold wow connection that because you pay $15 a month you deserve 100% unchanging content.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

the entertainment you want for your money

We'll be here. We'll be reading. Most importantly, we'll be listening. And we're going to continue improving our methods of communication with you, so you know this is a company dedicated to providing you with the entertainment you want for your money.

P.S. I know it's late, but chalk up the fact that I wrote this in my free time from home, to it coming from the heart and not some company-driven directive. It's great going to work when I know, when all is said and done, I work for a company -- and community -- I believe in and am honored to help support. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

even more opinions on the matter

This is truth. I would be remiss if I tried to say it wasn't.

But here is my question: what makes WoW different from all of the other well designed gamespaces for Xbox, Wii, PS3, PC, etc? I argue that the NECESSITY to make friends, ally with other free wow gold players on your server, work together, be FRIENDS with each other, is what has made WoW the best game ever made.

I'm very pleased that this topic is getting some attention and I welcome even more opinions on the matter.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A majority of the fights in T11 favored having little or no Melee DPS. Are there plans to fix this?

We view this more of a class problem than an encounter problem. It used to be the case that casters really suffered whenever they had to move, which was the penalty they paid in order to make up for the fact that melee took a lot of extra damage. Nowadays, melee classes don’t really take that much extra damage, and we’ve also given casters a number of movement-oriented tools designed to keep their DPS from dropping as much free wow gold as it used to when they are asked to shoot-and-scoot.

Whenever there are situations in an encounter that encourage grouping, the ranged often move into melee (with the occasional exception for hunters), but melee never move to ranged. Any of the fights that punish clumping also tend to punish melee more. We recognize all of these problems, as do many players, but it’s challenging to address them quickly. For example, without compensation, casters would suffer a lot in PvP if their movement tools were suddenly stripped away.

In the meantime, we don’t want to over-constrain encounter design, or worse, make it feel very formulaic by getting to the point where players expect the “melee fight” to be followed by the “adds fight,” followed by the “Patchwerk fight,” then the “ranged fight.” We’re making sure that melee have some fights where they can shine in Firelands. To use just one example, the Sons of Flame on Ragnaros tend to be better handled by melee than ranged.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

One thing we have discussed is giving players more

One thing we have discussed is giving players more control over whether they make this decision (trading higher risk for higher return) or not. In many driving games for example you have the choice of an automatic or manual transmission. Many players choose the automatic, suspecting that they are probably not going to be as fast as a player who is awesome at managing their clutch, but it means they never have to mess with the clutch and can still win plenty of races. On the other hand, imagine that the player who plays the manual perfectly is performing at 100% and the player who performs wow gold farming the manual poorly is performing at 25%. Choosing an automatic transmission for 75% performance may be perfectly acceptable. You give up a little theoretical performance in return for having less going on. Tanking can often have a lot going on. Maybe there is a talent choice that lets DKs have a more powerful Death Strike in return for weaker passive mitigation. Some players would take that talent, and some might only take it for some encounters.

Monday, September 15, 2014

that allow Lava Lash to do impressive damage

Every Enhancement shaman loves seeing numbers fly across the screen when a huge multi-crit Windfury occurs, reinforced by our recent change to allow Windfury Weapon to trigger three additional attacks, rather than merely two. Windfury is ultimately a passive ability,buy Wow Gold eu though, and serves as an extension (albeit an awesome one) of your auto-attacks. In Burning Crusade, Windfury was prominent because shaman had very few active buttons to press, and long periods of downtime between them that some would fill by “twisting” totems. Not the most compelling gameplay. In Wrath of the Lich King, they arguably inherited the opposite problem, having so many buttons to press that there was never a free global cooldown, while no single ability felt particularly impactful or meaningful. For Cataclysm, we attempted to pare down the rotational complexity of the Enhancement shaman (removing the need to manually refresh Lightning Shield, removing Fire Nova from single target rotations, etc.) and at the same time created synergies that allow Lava Lash to do impressive damage.

As an aside, there were several questions that we didn’t answer about whether Enhancement DPS is too low overall. It is, and we buffed it for 4.2: (

Thursday, September 11, 2014

raid after the next maintenance period

If you've reached the Delegation portion of the legendary quest line, it's a puzzle that intrepid raiders will need to solve starting on your next instance reset. Keep on the lookout for key hints and items during each boss fight in your raid after the next maintenance period.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Evenin' PvP Enthusiasts

I know many of you have been feeling neglected as of late and have several concerns with the current state of PvP. To that end, I've punched those who would generally assign me with is buying wow gold safe tasks, kicked them while they were down and shouted, "I'm going to take some friggin' time to talk to the PvP community! Go away! (But please don't let the injuries you've just suffered reflect on my next performance review.)"

So, my schedule's open for a bit. What's up?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

BlizzCon we provided a few details about a new expansion

So, at BlizzCon we provided a few details about a new expansion and how it's going to have an ever-growing focus on the fight between the Horde and the Alliance in the wake of dispelling many very powerful threats to all of Azeroth. Then we find out a vague detail that some sort of unrelenting attack by the Horde on Theramore is to come. Wow Gold eu The Horde, to remind you, is currently a faction with an overzealous ruler and significant turmoil among their faction leaders; while the Alliance has almost never been quite so unified and far removed from the days of imprisoning orcs.

The first pawn on the chess board of what is to be the story for Mists of Pandaria is being moved, and you're angry at whose turn is first? I only offer that maybe there's a little more to the Horde and Alliance story lines in Mists than an Alliance town being leveled... like the entire expansion story you don't know about yet. ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

interviews or previews or videos or anything

Is there going to be any updates coming in the next 10 months in the way of MOP articles or anything like that?

Any dev interviews or previews or videos or anything?

Or is there perhaps a big content patch on the way soon?

My sub is about to expire and cheap wow gold I just want to know if theres any new articles coming to the site or content coming to the game - or if I should just let my sub expire until the next expansion.

Thanks for your time.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

on our list of hotfixes for further details

We’re definitely keeping tabs on this thread and ones like it, and will continue to roll out hotfixes to address any remaining issues as quickly as we can, so keep an eye out on our list of hotfixes for further details.

The bottom line is that cross-realm zones are meant to improve the leveling experience in lower-level zones wow gold while allowing you to quest with your Real ID or BattleTag friends. We’re currently in a strange part of the patch cycle where the level cap is 90, but everyone is still stuck at 85. We believe that most of the concerns about competition are having a larger impact now because everyone is waiting for Mists of Pandaria.

Please provide any additional feedback you have below. We’re continuing to read the concerns and bug reports you’ve been sharing. We’re committed to polishing the cross-realm zone feature so that it provides the best possible gameplay experience for all of our players.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

raise the value and demand even more of a profit

When selecting two gathering professions, there is going to be some understanding that you won't be making gold from crafting, at least not on that character. Making them BoP is a good way of showing others that, you as a crafter, have made an awesome item for yourself. If you plan on selling the crafted item, it allows you to raise the value and demand even more of a profit.

As others have mentioned though, there is always a chance they'll become BoA or BoE in the future but no promises. :P

Sunday, August 24, 2014

What dreams do you have?

    I love my farm. I love that I have all of my best friends to help me with my farm. But wouldn't it be nice if...

    You could jump onto Miss Fifi and stamp all the vermin out of your occupied soil.
    Your dog would chase away the buy cheap wow gold birds from your alluring veggies.
    The chickens would lay eggs.
    The pigs would...fertilize...a crop or two....

    What dreams do you have?

While some of this has to do with tuning, we are considering some improvements to the farm and in this area. We might need to adjust the numbers a bit to reduce, say, Alluring over time. But we do want to make you feel that you need to tend to things regularly, even if you become more efficient in handling it. Though, perhaps we can consider allowing more crops to randomly grow without any obstacles or challenges, especially after you’ve proven your farming savvy.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

form of CC in order to gain another

First off, we don't feel that this change is adding more crowd control to the game. As several posters in this thread have pointed out, taking Evil is a Point of View means you aren't taking Fist of Justice (which the vast majority of PvP Paladins are using in 5.3) or Repentance. You're sacrificing (or significantly weakening) one form of CC in order to gain another.

That said, it does allow access to a different form of CC. We feel it will open up some more options for wow gold Paladins in different Arena compositions. Though it may be less desirable if you're running with, for example, a Warlock or Priest, you may prefer it if you're with, say, a Rogue or Feral Druid.

We're also seeing very, very little usage out of Burden of Guilt. Right now, as I mentioned, the vast majority of PvP Paladins are using Fist of Justice. Of the remainder, most are taking Repentance. In fact, the majority of players taking Burden of Guilt are using it buy wow gold as Protection in PvE, and even then it's a very small percentage.

That said, we are still monitoring feedback very closely (that's what the PTR is for, after all). Hopefully this helps clear up our thinking a bit so that the discussion can continue!

Monday, August 18, 2014

There has been some confusion about a couple

There has been some confusion about a couple aspects of Flexible mode raiding which we’re hoping to clarify for you here:

-If all members of a Flexible mode raid have killed specific bosses within a wing, when they queue up again the next day, they will begin where they left off.
Example: All 14 players in the raid wow gold on day one have defeated Immerseus, but only 12 continued on to take down the Fallen Protectors. If that same group of 14 were to re-queue for the same wing the following day, they would begin at the Protectors with Immerseus remaining defeated. If they returned with the original 12 that downed the first two bosses, they’d carry on to Norushen.

-While Flexible mode will never scale in difficultly below 10 players, you can still queue up and begin clearing the instance with as few as 7 players in the raid.
Example: You have 9 guild members and friends who are online and ready to rock Flexible mode, but the other buy wow gold 5 members of the raid are running a bit behind. You can still form a raid group and queue for Flexible Siege of Orgrimmar, and then head inside to begin taking down trash as you wait for the others to log in

Thursday, August 14, 2014

wrong direction in which to have deviated.

I would have to respectfully euwowgold disagree that she deviates to any great degree from the original model when compared side-by-side, except that the proportions are slightly more full.

Here are the two shown in the preview without any alteration. -

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Usually players are happy and excited for a new expansion

I've been in Community for every World of Warcraft expansion, and yes, it's the same every single time.

People are always concerned with Wow Gold changes, and concern is fine, and we'll communicate our intent, and you'll tell us how well you think it'll work out, or if it seems like a good or bad idea for you and how you play the game, and we'll have a beta test where we figure all these things out, and we'll make adjustments, and decisions, and etc. etc.

It does tend to be a bit more cheap wow gold upsetting before actual live testing begins. We announce changes, we put info out there, it's confusing, it's out of context a lot of the time, and it just is generally when our least productive feedback comes in. When testing actually begins and people can play the game and see how it's working, that's generally when things calm down, people see the results of these changes, there's context, and we can get into the nitty gritty testing and balancing.

But yes, I've seen people upset before every single expansion for the last 10 years. Mainly because saying "I'm so excited!" isn't much of a conversation starter. "This will ruin the World of Warcraft Gold game forever." tends to create more responses and threads. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Shaman (Updated) Ability Pruning

See the Ability Pruning section above for discussion of why we’re pruning class abilities. For Shamans, we removed some niche abilities, and also split out a few abilities by specialization.

    Ancestral Awakening has Wow Gold been removed.
    Burning Wrath has been removed.
    Chain Heal is now available only to Restoration Shaman.
    Earth Shock is now available only to Elemental Shaman. Enhancement and Restoration Shaman should use Frost Shock in its place.
    Earthliving Weapon has been removed.
    Elemental Focus has been removed.
    Feral Spirit's Spirit Wolves no longer have the Spirit Bite ability.
    Healing Wave has been removed.
    Lava Burst now replaces Primal Strike for Elemental and Restoration Shaman.
    Magma Totem is now available only to Enhancement Shaman.
    Mana Tide Totem has been removed. Restoration Shaman Mana costs have been adjusted to compensate.
    Primal Wisdom has been removed. buy wow gold Enhancement Shaman mana regeneration has been increased by 100% to compensate.
    Rockbiter Weapon has been removed.
    Spiritwalker’s Grace is no longer available to Enhancement Shaman.
    Static Shock has been removed.
    Searing Flames has been removed.
        Flametongue Weapon damage has been increased by 40%, and Lava Lash damage has been increased to 280% weapon damage (up from 140%) to compensate.
    Water Shield is now available only to Restoration Shaman, and replaces Lightning Shield.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Orcs

Just in time for Michael Bay's upcoming snoutless explosion fest, Gremsly Goblin created one of the finest Horde videos you've ever seen. Teenage Mutant Ninja Orcs tracks a team of four turtles who find themselves transformed into orcs, and launch themselves into a world of adventure.

I can't really give cheap Wow Gold eu you a detailed breakdown of the video points. It was just a long blur of joy. This video left me awash in sweet nostalgia, and I was completely satisfied with the character choices. Splinter became just the right critter. Shredder maybe could have been a little better, but the human-with-claws wasn't a bad choice. I've watched this video about ten times now, and I'm pretty sure I'm ready for some pizza.

Taurenbunga, dudes.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Artcraft previews the male draenei model

It's no secret that I love the draenei -- with getting a chance to play through Shadowmoon Valley on the Beta, they've leapt into the lead and are now my favorite race. Now, thanks to Blizzard's official Artcraft previews, we get a chance to look at the new draenei male. Having experienced it on the beta (as a work in progress, mind you) euwowgold I already felt like it was a vast improvement. The proportions, the expressions, even the way the facial tendrils move is much, much better.

Head on over to the official site and take a look for yourself.