Sunday, September 28, 2014

As a matter of fact

Not saying this is you, OP, but people seem to think that their $15 a month pays for an unchanging game. As a matter of fact, your subscription doesn't speak to anything about the content of the game.

Please don't make the fallacious gold wow connection that because you pay $15 a month you deserve 100% unchanging content.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

the entertainment you want for your money

We'll be here. We'll be reading. Most importantly, we'll be listening. And we're going to continue improving our methods of communication with you, so you know this is a company dedicated to providing you with the entertainment you want for your money.

P.S. I know it's late, but chalk up the fact that I wrote this in my free time from home, to it coming from the heart and not some company-driven directive. It's great going to work when I know, when all is said and done, I work for a company -- and community -- I believe in and am honored to help support. :)

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

even more opinions on the matter

This is truth. I would be remiss if I tried to say it wasn't.

But here is my question: what makes WoW different from all of the other well designed gamespaces for Xbox, Wii, PS3, PC, etc? I argue that the NECESSITY to make friends, ally with other free wow gold players on your server, work together, be FRIENDS with each other, is what has made WoW the best game ever made.

I'm very pleased that this topic is getting some attention and I welcome even more opinions on the matter.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

A majority of the fights in T11 favored having little or no Melee DPS. Are there plans to fix this?

We view this more of a class problem than an encounter problem. It used to be the case that casters really suffered whenever they had to move, which was the penalty they paid in order to make up for the fact that melee took a lot of extra damage. Nowadays, melee classes don’t really take that much extra damage, and we’ve also given casters a number of movement-oriented tools designed to keep their DPS from dropping as much free wow gold as it used to when they are asked to shoot-and-scoot.

Whenever there are situations in an encounter that encourage grouping, the ranged often move into melee (with the occasional exception for hunters), but melee never move to ranged. Any of the fights that punish clumping also tend to punish melee more. We recognize all of these problems, as do many players, but it’s challenging to address them quickly. For example, without compensation, casters would suffer a lot in PvP if their movement tools were suddenly stripped away.

In the meantime, we don’t want to over-constrain encounter design, or worse, make it feel very formulaic by getting to the point where players expect the “melee fight” to be followed by the “adds fight,” followed by the “Patchwerk fight,” then the “ranged fight.” We’re making sure that melee have some fights where they can shine in Firelands. To use just one example, the Sons of Flame on Ragnaros tend to be better handled by melee than ranged.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

One thing we have discussed is giving players more

One thing we have discussed is giving players more control over whether they make this decision (trading higher risk for higher return) or not. In many driving games for example you have the choice of an automatic or manual transmission. Many players choose the automatic, suspecting that they are probably not going to be as fast as a player who is awesome at managing their clutch, but it means they never have to mess with the clutch and can still win plenty of races. On the other hand, imagine that the player who plays the manual perfectly is performing at 100% and the player who performs wow gold farming the manual poorly is performing at 25%. Choosing an automatic transmission for 75% performance may be perfectly acceptable. You give up a little theoretical performance in return for having less going on. Tanking can often have a lot going on. Maybe there is a talent choice that lets DKs have a more powerful Death Strike in return for weaker passive mitigation. Some players would take that talent, and some might only take it for some encounters.

Monday, September 15, 2014

that allow Lava Lash to do impressive damage

Every Enhancement shaman loves seeing numbers fly across the screen when a huge multi-crit Windfury occurs, reinforced by our recent change to allow Windfury Weapon to trigger three additional attacks, rather than merely two. Windfury is ultimately a passive ability,buy Wow Gold eu though, and serves as an extension (albeit an awesome one) of your auto-attacks. In Burning Crusade, Windfury was prominent because shaman had very few active buttons to press, and long periods of downtime between them that some would fill by “twisting” totems. Not the most compelling gameplay. In Wrath of the Lich King, they arguably inherited the opposite problem, having so many buttons to press that there was never a free global cooldown, while no single ability felt particularly impactful or meaningful. For Cataclysm, we attempted to pare down the rotational complexity of the Enhancement shaman (removing the need to manually refresh Lightning Shield, removing Fire Nova from single target rotations, etc.) and at the same time created synergies that allow Lava Lash to do impressive damage.

As an aside, there were several questions that we didn’t answer about whether Enhancement DPS is too low overall. It is, and we buffed it for 4.2: (

Thursday, September 11, 2014

raid after the next maintenance period

If you've reached the Delegation portion of the legendary quest line, it's a puzzle that intrepid raiders will need to solve starting on your next instance reset. Keep on the lookout for key hints and items during each boss fight in your raid after the next maintenance period.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Evenin' PvP Enthusiasts

I know many of you have been feeling neglected as of late and have several concerns with the current state of PvP. To that end, I've punched those who would generally assign me with is buying wow gold safe tasks, kicked them while they were down and shouted, "I'm going to take some friggin' time to talk to the PvP community! Go away! (But please don't let the injuries you've just suffered reflect on my next performance review.)"

So, my schedule's open for a bit. What's up?

Thursday, September 4, 2014

BlizzCon we provided a few details about a new expansion

So, at BlizzCon we provided a few details about a new expansion and how it's going to have an ever-growing focus on the fight between the Horde and the Alliance in the wake of dispelling many very powerful threats to all of Azeroth. Then we find out a vague detail that some sort of unrelenting attack by the Horde on Theramore is to come. Wow Gold eu The Horde, to remind you, is currently a faction with an overzealous ruler and significant turmoil among their faction leaders; while the Alliance has almost never been quite so unified and far removed from the days of imprisoning orcs.

The first pawn on the chess board of what is to be the story for Mists of Pandaria is being moved, and you're angry at whose turn is first? I only offer that maybe there's a little more to the Horde and Alliance story lines in Mists than an Alliance town being leveled... like the entire expansion story you don't know about yet. ;)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

interviews or previews or videos or anything

Is there going to be any updates coming in the next 10 months in the way of MOP articles or anything like that?

Any dev interviews or previews or videos or anything?

Or is there perhaps a big content patch on the way soon?

My sub is about to expire and cheap wow gold I just want to know if theres any new articles coming to the site or content coming to the game - or if I should just let my sub expire until the next expansion.

Thanks for your time.