Saturday, June 6, 2015

I had to hear the sad stories from the Hardcore Raider

I had to hear the sad stories from the Hardcore Raiders who don't get Bathroom brakes.There was a Hardcore Guild I heard about that you have to pee in a Bottle or get the @!!@# out of the Guild that was a long time ago. European WoW Gold

Monday, June 1, 2015

let's not go half-!@# in the final hour

Not everyone is reset, it is not an online armory error, furthermore, we should have a zero tolerance for waiting until certain people log on. Fix the armory, complete the reset, and restore the sanctity of RBGs by revitalizing the spirit of fair competition. It's taken five seasons for this, almost as long as our Congress or the FDA, let's not go half-!@# in the final hour. Wow Gold eu

Friday, May 29, 2015

sitting in BG queues for over 10 minutes

My biggest problem so far being a player that focuses on pvp is the queue time for BGs. For as many people play this game it is absolutely inexcusable that im sitting in BG queues for over 10 minutes. If this is a "battlegroup" problem then I think i should get the option to move over to a different battlegroup. If take that amount of time i spend in an 8 hour gaming session just sitting there... in a queue... not actually playing. I could do like 30 more BGs a day... EASILY! THEN you wait in queue for 11 minutes only to get invited to a game that is over in 10 seconds and your on the losing team! Ive never played an ally character but i hear stories from other people about how some alliance queues are instant pop. How come half the community gets 2 minutes queues and the other half get 15 minute queues? That isnt fair when games are 15 minutes long. Those ally are completing BG in a 2-1 ratio compared to me!! So I think before you guys dive head first into this CC bull crap in arena.. you should fix this battlegroup queue time wow

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Considering that Flex is supposed to be a step

Considering that Flex is supposed to be a step 'up' from LFR, but below Normal.

LFR (25m)- 2 Battle Rez
Flex (10m-25m) - 3 Battle Rez
Normal (10m) - 1 Battle Rez
Normal (25m) - 3 battle Rez
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Anyone else find it slightly unfair for either LFR or Normal 10m?

I'm actually ok with Flex having (3). With that said, LFR should have more, specially seeing as how LFR normally completely unorganized.

I can also see the view point that Battle Rez should scale in Flex as well, just as damage and HP does.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

If the crystal is going to apply buy wow gold

If the crystal is going to apply buy wow gold a fairy fire effect on stealthies, how about making cc'd players immune to picking up the crystal during the cc and something like 5 seconds after the give time to get off of it, if you are feared or mind controlled. But please, do not allow that change to go live without some type of protection of cc'd players from picking it up

Sunday, May 17, 2015

They will 1 shot ghouls

Once you unlock pumpkin bombs use these to clear large quantities of high quality zombies. They will 1 shot ghouls, and take out the others in 2-3 hits. Do not use to kill low call zombies. Remember you can fill every square of the lane. This includes the farthest on to right where the zombies spawn. You can drop a rocknut there to slow the initial spawn down, place strangler vines, etc.
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The warden fight is pretty much the same thing. Build up defences, beat back zombie pushes, then when warden shows up and is hp pool becomes vulnerable go drop pumpkin bombs next to him until he dies.

Which part of the fight are you having trouble with btw?

Monday, May 11, 2015

This is from one of the Q&As per MMO Champion

This is from one of the Q&As per MMO Champion;
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Wrathion played an important role in Pandaria, but won't make more than a short appearance in WoD.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Really? youd rather them just release

Really? youd rather them just release each zone every few weeks lol? are you stupid? thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard. That would make more people quit than putting it all together and adding a price tag. People with these ideas are not developers for a reason.
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Hey guys, this week they uped the level cap to 92! man thats such a great addition!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

I'm not against it

I'm not against it. I enjoy flying. If they added it, I wouldn't be complaining. I'm not part of the anti-flying crowd.

But I wouldn't care if they removed it either. I'd still play.
Assume more please.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

as many others have said

as many others have said, if you move the prestige rewards away from arena into TOG then people who are on time schedules of when they can play will forever be denied the chance to compete and earn their rewards, like they can now. I love the idea of tog, it is sort of like jumping into a preset class on a fps shooter and going at it, but if you take away all the rewards from the arena ladder and stick them in tog you are making a mistake.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Can I just ask what will happen to Spirit

Can I just ask what will happen to Spirit for Shadow Priests, where it is now a go to stat because it gets converted to Hit? With Hit going away, will it convert to something else, or will Spirit now be useless for us.
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This applies to some other DPS classes too.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

What I think I like most of Blizzard

What I think I like most of Blizzard plans(besides being able to make events for anything) is the LFG part... Not so much as because I will be in LFG, but more so to be able to easily find someone when im sitting with 9 or however many people and waiting for 1 more..
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Have to think, with this being used acrossed all players, that list of groups in LFM is going to be quite large.. Will suck to be in the middle or bottom of that list waiting for someone to scroll down to my group to decide to join. The LFG side of this will eliminate that and get my group going much quicker.. Good move Blizzard...

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

c cause of this change

c cause of this change, could we have our dismiss pet reverted back to 2 seconds instead of 3 which was the main cause of why it was nerfed to 3 seconds in the first place from buff abuse in arena.
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It's a pain from a PvE aspect when I have to dismiss my pet because it has bugged on terrain and dismiss in its current form takes far too long.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

with respect to unmodified encounters

Taken in isolation (with respect to unmodified encounters), this is true. Also, if the player AND the mobs are treated with the same conversion rate, this is true.

Like everyone else, I can only presume what Blizzard are intending, but I suspect that all exponentially powerful mobs will be down-converted into a linear scale appropriate for their level and the ilvl of level-appropriate players.
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The exponential problem is this (converting bosses into approximate gear requirement tiers, and using 10H where possible):

C'thun had an ilvl that was 1.47 times the character level, Illidan had 2.16 times, Lich King had a 3.39 multiplier, Deathwing's ilvl was 4.89 times level 85, and Garrosh goes over-the-top (as usual) with a 6.29 multiplier.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

the item through a simply chat bubble

If I were a dev, I'd do this just to save the GMs a huge headache. Can you imagine how many requests to restore lost Toy items will come flooding in after WoD begins, even with a lot of players deleting these items over 30 days prior?

For quest items, you should be able to revisit the quest reward giver to obtain another copy of free wow gold the item through a simply chat bubble.
For achievements, you would visit the NPC that sent you the in-game mail with the item.
For archeology, completing a rare would unlock the repurchasing of that item from an archeology vendor for a certain amount of keystone and/or fragments.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

lasts 3 minutes on an hour long CD

Any chance Dartol's and similar items will be made more reasonable on their CDs? I had the original Dartol's on my rogue but lost it when I transferred to Horde, and the one from Exalted lasts 3 minutes on an hour long CD, which is pretty dumb.

Also plausibly since the toy box will be able to be cross faction, bringing back this buying wow gold safe as a decent item, ie. able to be used for a random costume, before you made it disappear when the hat is taken off to balance for Horde/Alliance.

And also, any chance of fixing things for Shaman costumes? Ghost Wolf removing every costume except Polyformic Acid from Scholo (Presumably because it's a required buff) is pretty annoying, it more or less means I can't use any costumes during raids because any time I swap Ghost Wolf, which can be fairly often since it's a mini sprint, I'll lose my costume.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

You didn't ask for clarification

You didn't ask for clarification. You chose to be snarky with condescending remark. And then you tried to provide this perfect argument to match and refute your best assumption, over a quoted response.
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You're not that important, yet you're acting as though quoting you was.

If it was nonsense to you and you cared wouldn't you put some care in to your response? The reason I didn't was because it isn't that important to me.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

could be a drop from Yogg-Saron

For these two items, to turn them into Toys, they would have to no longer attack anything. At that point, they might as well make similar model Battle Pets. The [Azure Tentacle] could be a drop from Yogg-Saron, sharing a model with Vanquished Clutches of Yogg-Saron (perhaps cheap Wow Gold eu a future Raiding With Leashes pet). The [Qiraji Tentacle] would share the model of Vanquished Tentacle of C'Thun and could either be a new C’thun drop or have a different source. The original epic trinkets would be left as is.

Unfortunately that would mean no more tentacle parties.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Why not just give everyone the same gear

Why not just give everyone the same gear ...

I don't understand why we need 2 types of gear.
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So what if a PVE hero gets gear that can blow up a player? So what if a PVP gladiator gets gear that can down a raid boss?

Let rated fights vs top ranked PVPers drop loot or whatever, I'm sure you can dream up a system of some sort.

edit: LOL. I just a very twisted idea. Killing someone in PVP should cause them to drop one piece of their gear (random). PVP will become "srs bns" with vendettas running to the end of time.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

had forgotten all about this little guy

Thanks Crithto!!! I had forgotten all about this little guy. Got tired of trying to catch him forever ago and gave up. I just went tonight, third pool I get "Mr Pinchy"!!! Wow Gold eu First wish Whammo My own Magical Crawdad...

Sometimes the RNG gods are smiling on you today was my day

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I agree my ribs V in to my waist

I agree my ribs V in to my waist, thats kinda the normal unless you have so much flesh it covers the V. I will be honest here I look at her and see my body type, nothing at all abnormal about wow gold

She is not skinny, put her up against a belf if you think thats skinny

Sunday, March 1, 2015

its rotation no later than level 40

Possibly a bit early, and arguably off topic, but IMO every spec of every class should have all abilities/spells that are core to its rotation no later than level 40.
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Beyond 40, start adding various offensive and defensive cooldowns.

Any spell or ability that is considered core to a specs rotation, single target or aoe needs to be in that spellbook at a reasonable level. It is a huge oversight to leave things such as Soulswap out of an Affliction Warlocks book until 79, or to leave Rogues without any AoE AT ALL until level 66!

Friday, February 27, 2015

Without trying to sound like a jer

Without trying to sound like a jerk...I would think PvP realms should ONLY be allowed to coalesce with other PvP realms. If PvE players want to group with PvP players, I'm guessing the PvE players will have to flag themselves and will be sent to a PvP realm.Wow Gold eu I don't like the PvP players that go to PvE servers to (try to) avoid PvP - if you want to avoid PvP then transfer to a PvE realm.

Monday, February 23, 2015

would provide reason to continue to level your pets

Add more quest lines/ different type of dailies (a great daily would be to level a pet from 1 to 25, it would provide reason to continue to level your pets)

5) Lastly, PVP pet battles is more of a grind than anything and provides no real incentives other than a mediocre weekly quest that provides a pet experience boost that allows you World of Warcraft Gold to continue a pet leveling grind with no real incentive. PVP pet battles was supposed to be what it was all leading up to but it proved to be rather pointless. I feel a daily tournament for pvp with good prizes would be a great addition, something like 32 players(5 rounds), single elimination, winners get tokens to buy sweet items or just prizes for top four, 1 attempt per account per day (1 prize per week).

As of right now, after having the Celestial Tournament on farm, pet battles feel like a pointless grind. Adding incentives to continue growing your pet collection and leveling pets would resurrect pet battles from PVE standpoint. There has never been a real reason to PVP pet battles.

P.S. maybe adding pvp/pve gear would be a great addition, I understand how you wouldn't want to force people to do pet battles but adding gear to daily bags or creating some kind of pet battle event that drops gear like the Weekly Celestial kill in timeless island would be interesting, perhaps this could be the reward for the pvp pet battle tournament outlined in point 5?

Monday, February 16, 2015

How about Proving Grounds and Brawlers?

How about Proving Grounds and Brawlers?

Same situation? Going to retire those?
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Also, will there be a separate FoS for each class you did CM's with? Or just a single FoS for all of them.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Newton's Third Law of WOW

Newton's Third Law of WOW.

III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
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This patch must be very good because everything in $&^(% up really bad.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

That's a really cool idea

That's a really cool idea! I miss the days when av took forever, and all the fighting that went with it. But I understand why people aren't into that anymore. The door idea you have would help make this battle a bit more epic. I would expand on Wow Gold it and say that maybe the mini boss doors wouldn't open until you had a secondary objective completed as well. Or until say one side or the other had x amount of cumulative hks under their belt. Something of that nature!

Friday, February 6, 2015

The game has always had PVP since the beginning

The game has always had PVP since the beginning. Servers were a host of server were PVP related. on non pvp servers you could always /pvp and flag up for it. And you could duel (arena predecessor) They were unable/unwilling to balance it in nilla, and since then, they are likewise unable/unwilling to do so now.

From the PVE side of things, I think baring a few situations most bosses are immune to effects of CC,Wow Gold lets try a chain fear or Cyclone of say Arugal or Grull, Onyxia, Ragnaross? the Lich King maybe? Oh no wait those guys are all immune.. So, for bosses they can break game mechanics but not players, hmm.

Blizz can not balance the game unless they have simple everyone heals, everyone is ranged everyone is dps, and all racial abilities are the same. Hunters mages loc, you guys are ranged, shammy druid priest you guys heal and everyone else is melee dps, and of course everyone having 5 of the same things they can do and no difference in talent points or racial, they can then call it balanced... That is what is coming.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Flex I'd suspect as well

How come you aren't upset when bosses don't drop gear you want, but you're (I'm assuming) complaining about the lack of rewards or feeling of rewards from Bonus Rolls (or personal loot in LFR/Flex I'd suspect as well)?
I'd be happy too if they got rid of Lesser Charms and just went back to Valor. Either way is fine with me, I just don't like the chore aspect of currencies, and especially how you get absolutely 0 reward from your time spent raiding as far as lesser charms goes.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

cast time and target cap on these in WoD

I'm sure the cast time isn't the only thing that will be adjusted on the T90 talents. They mentioned spells getting a target cap again. I'm expecting both a cast time and target cap on these in WoD, along with adjustment of the healing Don't worry, Blizzard will be sure to gut the tier because they can never do anything reasonably when it comes to balancing priests. We're either broken OP or broken UP; the middle ground doesn't exist for us.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Despite what Crithto said here

Despite what Crithto said here, it sounds like a bug to me, or at the very least something that was overlooked.
Hearthstone is a free game ($$ spending being entirely optional), the cross-game promotion for the mount also clearly states that once you acquire 3 wins, the mount is to be made available to you regardless of which version of WoW you play.

That being said, I do have MoP, and an active subscription. So, personally, it isn't an issue for me... I just like to see promises honored.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

What UI improvements will be improved in pvp?

Will you release class 'blogs' like you did before(I think it was cata)?

Are you satisfied with the amount of information that you gave about classes at blizcon?

What UI improvements will be improved in pvp?

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 words on the new battlegrounds in WoD?

What will you do if you go too far on reducing cc?

What will the objectives in Ashran be? What will the players gain while playing Ashran? Are you afraid since the games can be 'endless' that players might not feel victory? What have you learned about player vehicles and how has that influenced the vehicles in this 'battleground'?

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A heirloom full of rubles

ello Queue peeps! Let's answer some WoW questions today.

Kvanje asked:wow gold guide

Q4tQ: Has there been any word on Garrison Campaigns? I received quests the first two weeks after level 100 (the mole machine and the Sargerai), but haven't seen any in the month since. Judging by the forums, I'm not alone.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Ganking in a Nutshell

Ganking in a Nutshell is the latest release from Nixxiom Machinima, and tells the relatively straightforward story of what goes on between ganker and gank-ee in a typical ganking encounter. On its own, that might not sound like much, but what I love about buy cheap wow gold this particular piece is that the new male tauren model is highlighted so effectively here. You almost have to stop and watch it again, because the difference between old and new is so, so pronounced -- expression and emotion are conveyed so much more effectively that I kind of hope we see a lot more tauren movies in the future.

Beyond that is Mr. Flowers, who manages to effectively hammer home the reason I never, ever use the Singing Sunflower for anything. I'm not saying he's creepy ... wait. Yes. Yes I am. He's one of the creepiest pets out there. If you like the movie, be sure to check out Nixxiom's Youtube channel to see more.

Monday, January 12, 2015

Because threat no longer exists

Because threat no longer exists for non-tank specs in raids. Tanks are the only spec that can taunt, and it is impossible to pull agro from them once they start the encounter.
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Apparently the developers thought threat was too difficult, and have been progressingly making it irrelevant since Cata, and this will be the ultimate outcome -- threat is simply something healers and DPS no longer need to worry about, ever, in any raid encounter.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Was on the Gamebreaker

Was on the Gamebreaker...

Really free wow gold PvE heavy but that's kinda expected.

REALLY disappointed that you guys skipped over talking about Disc/holy during "class discussion," so Zar slap someone upside the head for me. Hopefully they'll give my class justice at 1 p.m.

Also, damn you for not giving us a date on BlizzCon! Haha <3

Monday, January 5, 2015

Is this the most efficient way to make gold?

I was watching this video from Bellular Gaming and it got me thinking - is that really the most efficient way to make gold in Warlords of Draenor? What they're doing is fairly simple.buying wow gold safe They're going into Cataclysm raids Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent and Firelands on 25 heroic. Then they vendor everything. It seems like the exact kind of thing that we were doing back before they nerfed raid boss gold for soloing, but it works with the current rules for dungeons in that you basically have to collect every single thing that drops and vendor it. Still, it will net you 4000 gold in around an hour or two, and for every level 100 you have that's another 4000 gold you can farm up. That's not bad at all, really.

I'm not sure it'll remain so lucrative. It does work with the new gold normalization system, which was implemented because you could collect all the trash and vendor it, and it's a series of raids from two expansion ago, so being able to solo them isn't unexpected. For now, if you're gold strapped, keep it in mind.

Friday, January 2, 2015

didn't need dungeon finder etc

Back then we didn't need dungeon finder etc. we took our guildies and if necessary sell Wow Gold we got pugs...I remember running to the dungeons etc. It was a pain no doubt but it is the way is was back then. And to be honest, I wasn't really talking about you when I was talking about the qq'ing about no flying..have you checked the forum threads? I don't understand why ppl don't at least give it a chance before they start hating on it.